..After the Rain…
A village
in the heart of England, 1961.
(..a kestrel, hovering high in the summer sky
is reflected in a round droplet of water as it sits on the heavily textured
surface of a cabbage leaf…
..a child’s hand tilts the leaf & the droplet begins to roll up & down the walls of its playing field…)
The Gardenworld has its origins in a real garden,the one that housed my Studio in the late 1970’s.
This had been my childhood play area & it was to where I eventually returned after my school years.
Since those first tentative enquiries into my surroundings, my work has continued to examine the
relationships I first discovered there,illustrated by the characters I would glimpse out of the corner of my eye
as I meandered down the garden path…
..The New World…
By the Spring of 1982 the Gardenworld had established itself & had been left to its own devices. In 1992,
with the exhibition ‘.. An Hour Beyond Midnight…’ , came the first public appearance about the conflict
that had arisen when an unseen element sought to take over the quietness that existed there.
Improbable Trees form a barrier around the perimiter of the space & various denizens (Mannekins & others)
keep a watchful eye over proceedings…
The Enemy proposes a game of Chess -hoping to keep the Mannekins occupied so that it can slip into the Garden
without being noticed. Between the opening of the envelope which contains the Opponent’s sealed move & the
acknowledgement of that gambit, there is time & space enough to linger…